Over the years, Mitchell Stankovic & Associates has been given many awards and honors. We are truly grateful to have been recognized for our hard work and dedication.

Most recently, our founder Susan Mitchell was honored by America’s Credit Union Museum in their new “Credit Union Women Making History – Herstory” exhibit. Honoring the past, present and future of the incredible women making history in the credit union industry, Herstory is an interactive exhibit showcasing inspiring stories never heard before.

Susan Mitchell was also nominated by CUTimes for the Final Four Most Influential People in the last 25 years, and received the inaugural Diversity and Visionary Award from the CA/NV CU League. In February 2018, she was recognized for her outstanding industry contribution with the prestigious National CU Foundation’s Herb Wegner Outstanding Individual Lifetime Achievement Award.

Annually, the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) recognizes an exceptional credit union leader with the Herb Wegner Individual Achievement Award.

The awards are named in honor of the late Credit Union National Association CEO Herb Wegner, whose tireless dedication, innovative ideas and deeds truly revolutionized the ways that credit unions serve their communities. The awards that bear Wegner’s name recognize his spirit of “innovative, creative, risk-taking” leadership.

Mitchell, Stankovic and Associates are proud to highlight the various awards the we have received throughout the years.


  • Aid for AIDS NV, Red Ribbon Community Award for Outstanding Service 2013
  • Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, Business of the Year
  • California/Nevada Credit Union League, Tomorrow’s Star Award 2015
  • California Credit Union League, Founding Diversity Visionary Award
  • California/Nevada Credit Union League, Outstanding Efforts in Financial Literacy 2007
  • Credit Union Development Educators, Individual Achievement – Brandi Stankovic, 2017
  • Credit Union Executive Society, Golden Mirror Award, Image Enhancement
  • Credit Union Times, Trailblazer Under 40 2016
  • Credit Union Times, Woman to Watch 2012
  • CU Times Trailblazer 40 Under – Brandi Stankovic 2016
  • CUNA Marketing Council, Diamond Award, Logo Development
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, Global Women’s Issues Award
  • HRD Network, Outstanding Commitment and Support to Credit Union Movement
  • HRD Network, Flame Award, Contributions to the Shapiro Group 
  • Liberty Enterprises, Gold Coin, 20 Years Excellence in Serving Credit Unions
  • Marketing Association of Credit Union Awards, including Logo, Branding, Statement Stuffer, Alternative Media, Brochures, and much more (4 Gold  Awards, 7 Silver, and 14 Bronze Awards for Marketing).
  • Marketing Association of Credit Union Award GOLD Market Segment 2015
  • National Credit Union Foundation, Credit Union Development Education Individual Achievement 2017
  • National Credit Union Foundation, Herb Wegner Memorial Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement 2018, Sue Mitchell 
  • Pepperdine University, Celebration of Excellence, Diversity 2008 and 2009
  • Richard Miles Johnson, Friends of the Foundation Award
  • Richard Miles Johnson, Beacon Award, Exemplary Efforts in Financial Literacy 2002
  • Richard Miles Johnson, Beacon Award, Finalist 2004 and 2011
  • Southern Nevada, Business Woman of the Year
  • World Council of Credit Unions, Ambassador Award, Global Development
  • World Council of Credit Unions,  Distinguished Service Award
  • World Council of Credit Unions, World Young Credit Union Professional (WyCUP) nomination 2005 and 2010

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