The time is now!

Credit Unions NEED to attend the UNDERGROUND & MONEY 20/20.


Mitchell, Stankovic & Associates announces a new credit union experience through a partnership with Money20/20 in Las Vegas. The Underground Thriller on October 26th will launch a week of credit union engagement at MONEY20/20. Technology is not just for the CIOs; all executives need to increase their digital IQ and there is no better place to be immersed in fintech than at Money20/20!

Credit union leaders can take advantage of this exclusive offer:

  • Credit union special rate for registration at Money20/20: CLICK HERE with code MSA100
  • September 26th – How to get the most out of Money20/20 CU webinar.
  • Curated content and networking journey for credit unions at Money20/20.
  • Susan Mitchell to moderate a panel of CEOs at Money20/20 to tell the credit union story!
  • Money20/20 will join a panel at the Underground.
  • Underground Thriller – From 30 million albums sold to 1billion hits on TikTok, legacy loyalty across all generations. Can you hear the music, feel the vibe?

CUSS – At the Underground, we will release the Credit Union Shared Services (CUSS) model. White paper and proof of concept will be announced. Let’s GSD.

Growth – Fis are literally losing the loyal generation member and not attracting the next gen to the CU model. A challenge to C-Suite leaders – be fintech or become obsolete.

Underground thought leaders will challenge, cajole and energize the industry!

This year is unlike any other and now is the time to register! You get access to the fintech ecosystem. Money20/20 is the place where money comes to do business – everyone will be there!

Mitchell, Stankovic & Associates (MSA) mission is to stand up for issues that will make a difference to a diverse world of people, the bottom line for credit unions and change member lives globally. With 30 years of innovative consulting services, our clients smile when asked about MSA because we are true partners, working together on governance, leadership succession and strategic planning. Together, we reach beyond what is, to what can be. MSA believes that credit unions have a social purpose, and its advisory services emphasize doing the right thing as good business, garnering sustainable growth and relevance within the market. Serial entrepreneurs, MSA consultants have founded industry initiatives like the Underground Movement, Global Women’s Leadership Network, CU Pride, HRD Network and they volunteer on governing bodies of Worldwide Foundation and Credit Union DEI Collective

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